Wedding chapels are synonymous with Las Vegas, but they’re not for everybody.
Vegas wedding chapel alternatives are out there, and there’s a vibe for every couple to get exactly what they want out of their killer Las Vegas celebration.
A Vegas wedding can be gritty and raw right on the street of the Las Vegas strip, it can call back to simpler times of Elvis and pure glam or it can be surrounded by the backdrop of jaw-dropping deserts or wetlands, it’s totally up to you.
Here are six of our top Vegas alternatives to wedding chapels that’ll make your jaw drop!
Mid-Century Manor
If your dream Las Vegas wedding has that retro Vegas vibe, or if you ever wished you could embody Rat Pack style, look no further than Mid-Century Manor.
This venue features two Vegas wedding venues in one with The Garden and The Residence.
The Garden is nestled in the historic Paradise Palms neighborhood, which was once home to many of classic Vegas’s most prolific faces.
It’s dripping with mid-century modern style and the perfect combination of elegance and attitude.
If you’re looking to be inside more than outside, you have The Residence.
This venue was featured in the movie Casino, and it dials mid-century style up to eleven. Atomic lighting, glam centerpieces and pure retro Vegas camp drips from every inch of the property.
Once owned by the Casino boss who founded Caesar’s Palace and Circus Circus, it’s a chic time capsule of authentic old Vegas.

Ferguson’s Downtown
Vegas is a lot more than wedding chapels and casinos, and Ferguson’s Downtown puts you right inside the city’s heart.
For Vegas wedding chapel alternatives that really immerse guests in the experience, Ferguson’s Downtown is just absolutely packed with art, music, food, architecture, history and community passion.
With a close-knit small community atmosphere, it feels far away from the bright bustle of the Las Vegas strip even though it’s right downtown.
It’s simple, it’s romantic and it’s perfect for couples who want to keep heart at the heart of their ceremonies.

Downtown Alley
Let’s be real — few things are sexier than the juxtaposition of wedding glam mixed with the grit of downtown Las Vegas city streets. Murals, heart, art, concrete, history: Downtown Alley has it all.
It’s a Las Vegas wedding chapel alternative that is perfect for the couple obsessed with getting those sassy, classy, and bad-assy wedding photos that make you say “WOW.”
Since this is an outdoor venue, our wedding package makes sure that planning your event in a public place is a cinch.

The Wetlands
It may come as a surprise to some that Las Vegas is a whole lot more than glitz on the Strip surrounded by miles of desert.
The Wetlands is a nature preserve located right in Clark County featuring three different habitats, miles of paved and unpaved trails, cottonwood groves, protected wildlife and gentle streams across 210 acres.
The Wetlands give couples the freedom to scope out the best spots for truly wild photo ops. Nature lovers looking for a kickass outdoor wedding in Vegas will be obsessed.
Springs Preserve
Las Vegas has a killer history, and you can immerse yourself in it all at Springs Preserve.
The property is part of the National Register of Historic Places, and it comprises 180 acres commemorating the past, present and future of Vegas.
As for wedding venues, you have the Botanical Garden, the Courtyard, the Agave Room and ceremony-only spaces for micro-weddings and elopements.
There are so many options to choose from! The Botanical Gardens are a huge wedding favorite with a natural vibe right in the heart of the city.
Desert Wedding
There’s just something so surreal and impossibly badass about a desert wedding.
Picture the perfect Vegas desert wedding in your mind — it’s probably the two of you, golden hour, embraced by all the magnificent colors of the Mojave.
For the desert wedding couple, there are options on top of options to make your dream vibe your actual wedding reality.
Red Rock Canyon is one spot that lets Mother Nature take over the décor, and you know it’s going to be stunning.
The canyon is only about 20 minutes away from the Strip, so it’s a perfect spot for couples who want to keep their home base close to where the action is.
You can choose from all sorts of trails and lookouts, each giving you a whole new perspective of the sheer beauty Red Rock Canyon has to offer. Grasslands, mountains, cacti, sunsets, colorful rock formations — you name it, it’s here.

Seven Magic Mountains is artsy, it’s interesting and it’s that eclectic mix of manmade and natural that Vegas is so known for.
Created by renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone, it’s an exhibition that features seven 30+ foot brightly colored totems using naturally sourced boulders all stacked up in the middle of the desert.
Visible from Interstate 15 with the desert mountains in the background, it represents that midway point between the vibrant color of the city and the rugged wild lands that surround it.
If you love the ghosts of old Las Vegas, you can rub elbows with them all at The Neon Museum.
Wedding packages allow couples to exchange vows in a graveyard of iconic pieces of Vegas history.
Surrounded by retired vintage neon light displays, The Neon Museum is quirky, historical and undeniably steeped in that Sin City energy.
For couples that value a kickass photo, it’s a veritable buffet of opportunity.

Eldorado Canyon is another unique spot that mixes history with nature and whimsy with pure desert beauty.
Wedding packages feature locations on the property, like the Cholla Cactus Field, the onsite chapel, or the Big Barn, an homage to the old Wild West.
If you want a little wild wild west camp, but you’re also into the raw beauty of the desert, Eldorado Canyon is def what you’re after.

Whether your vibe is desert, art space, nature preserve or even Downtown Alley — let the planning become part of the excitement. Our team at Electric Sugar Elopements is here to help make your epic Vegas wedding a reality.