Short, Simple Wedding Vows with Lots of Meaning

Sometimes the less you say, the more it means. 

This can be true with wedding vows, too. You don’t have to recite a 15-minute pledge about your undying love to make it perfectly clear that you love your partner and want to spend the rest of your life together. 

Opting for short, simple wedding vows can be one way you keep the magic you have together private. It leaves something for the two of you to share.

Keeping it short and sweet is also nice for guests. Let’s face it, they’ve already traveled, dressed up and possibly sat in a chair for an hour before your wedding ceremony. They won’t be sad if the vows are short. Trust us. 

bride and groom exchanging vows

Not sure where to start? We’ve compiled some marriage vows to get the ball rolling.

Personal Vows
Funny Vows
Buddhist Vows
Poetic Vows
Unique-to-You Vows
Celtic Vows
Christian Vows
Vows to Include Step-Children
Non-traditional Vows

Personal Vows

Write from your heart, encompassing the very core of why you love your partner and why you choose to marry them.

You understand me better than anyone else in the world. You’re my best friend, my partner, the person I most want to be with at the end of the day. I love you with all my heart, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our life together.

Funny Vows

Who doesn’t love to laugh at a wedding? This style of vows is especially perfect for couples with humor as part of their foundation.

You love me even when I (example: turn (up/down) the thermostat.) And I love you even when you (example: run out of gas on a frigid December night, and I have to deliver a can of gas (during favorite show/football game.)  I think that pretty much says it all. We’re meant for each other. 

Buddhist Vows

A really cool thing about Buddhist wedding vows is that they don’t have to be spoken aloud. You and your partner can opt to read them silently. Buddhist practice urges couples to find what is best for them and what best leads them toward enlightenment. Here’s a short, simple wedding vow with a Buddhist vibe. 

Today we promise to dedicate ourselves completely to each other, with body, speech, and mind. In this life, in every situation, in wealth or poverty, in health or sickness, in happiness or difficulty, we will work to help each other perfectly. The purpose of our relationship will be to attain enlightenment by perfecting our kindness and compassion toward all sentient beings.

alternative bride and groom exchange vows

Poetic Vows

Choose a quote or two from your favorite novel or poem, or write your own poetry to share with your spouse-to-be.

“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

Unique-to-You Vows

This template gives you an idea of how to phrase a vow that focuses on your partner’s qualities. Make it your own. 

I, Bride/Groom, proclaim my love for you, Bride/Groom, here in the presence of our family and friends. You are the most kind, caring, loving, smart and beautiful/handsome person I have ever known, and I am in awe that I get to spend my life with you. I promise to respect you and love you always. I can’t wait to begin our life together.

Celtic Vows

Do you have some Irish blood? Why not choose vows that offer a nod toward your heritage. Here’s one that’s kinda epic. 

“Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

I give ye my Body, that we two might be One.

I give ye my Spirit, `til our Life shall be done.”

groom and bride exchange vows in front of officiant

Christian Vows

With so many options to choose from, choosing Christian vows can be overwhelming. Here’s one that encompasses so much.

I love you, (name), as I love no other. All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my (husband/wife/partner) through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and forever. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Vows to Include Step-Children

It’s not uncommon for people to take special care to include their soon-to-be step-children in their vows as they step into this important role.

I (name) take you (name) to be my beloved partner in life. I promise to love, respect and cherish you ’til death do us part. I commit myself to (names of kids) and promise to do my best to guide them through their lives as your partner. As we create our new family together, I feel immense joy and gratitude for all that the future holds. And I vow to honor and support our family always.  

Non-traditional Vows

Be yourself, speak freely from your soul, sing a song, make it weird. It’s your wedding so you get to do and say whatever the hell you want; there are no rules. Your person chose you, so they will adore your vows because they love you for you.

I love you for the adventures we’ve already had and the adventures to come. I love you for your support and commitment to our life together. I love you for your quiet strength and your unfailing kindness. And I love you for seeing the very best in me. You make me a better person. I love you with all my heart.  

groom putting ring on hand of bride with blue hair

Keep in mind, as you’re writing, that there are no wrong vows. Your wedding vows speak to you and your partner. The examples above merely offer a jumping-off point — a template. Take these vow ideas and make them your own. 

If you need help planning your unique elopement or micro wedding, we are here for you. Check out our packages.

McKenzi Taylor

McKenzi Taylor

For couples with personality wanting an offbeat, boundary-pushing wedding, McKenzi Taylor is fast-becoming America's go-to elopement and micro-wedding expert. Electric Sugar Elopements barged onto the scene in 2021, with the company drawing on McKenzi’s 15+ years as a wedding photographer, 5+ years as a successful wedding coordinator, and standing as a board member for the LV chapter of WIPA. Her ‘let’s do this differently’ attitude to weddings has helped over 700 couples get hitched in style around Las Vegas, San Diego and Black Hills, and has led to her being featured in small and major media outlets, such as the New York Times.